Our job: to give power to your image
Eti’Class, manufacturer of custom adhesive labels
Eti’class is a family business specializing in adhesive labels
Based in Colmar (Alsace) for more than 20 years, we deploy our know-how and our listening to your service.
Efficiency is measured according to your need, at the right price and within a given time frame.

Human scale
At Eti'Class
Rich team united and involved in the business.
We take the time to listen to you to generate a better execution of your project and guarantee your satisfaction.
Our solutions
Our expertise is at your service to provide you with technical solutions that will make your project a reality.
From the understanding of your objectives to the correction, through the implementation of a specification.
Our techniques
3 techniques
Flexography (plastic film, paper or even corrugated cardboard)
Screen printing (large surfaces, raised supports of all shapes and varied materials such as textiles)
Digital: (printing in very small quantity, small basis weight, adjustment and fast delay)
In perpetual evolution
In constant vigil of the technological evolutions of which we can make you benefit, we reinvest 5% of the annual turnover in the machine park.

We have been certified Green Print since 2006.
Sensitive to the respect of the environment we respect a specification of our processes.
We ensure the proper management of our waste of all kinds, securing the storage of our products, and refuse the use of toxic products.
We are certified FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) since 2012.
For our labels, we chose to use wood products derived from forests benefiting from forest management that respects the principles of sustainable development.
Our expertise is at your service
Our objectives: to produce tailor-made quality articles as quickly as possible and at the best price.